Day 17

“Love one another”

In our women’s support group we love one another even though we disagree on a variety of topics. Some of us vote red, others blue, and I hear a few didn’t vote at all. Big deal. We have differences. Bigger deal. We love one another.

Along the way, meeting for over a decade in various permutations of attenders, we have some relationship rules, which we violate when it seems necessary.

Here they are: honor confidentiality, don’t give advice, keep your story about you, use “I” statements or stay quiet, assume the posture of curiosity and finally – approach every topic as if you have something to learn-with humility.

In any given moment we do not necessarily FEEL curious or humble but we have these guidelines that keep us from going too far outside the rails.

I think that is why conflict happens but hasn’t crushed us yet. We belong to one another and that is a beautiful thing.  These might be decent guidelines to use this holiday season! Love one another.

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